Indigo Yoga

Indigo Yoga

Sharon Cannon

Audio meditations for you to enjoy

Categories: Health

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Breathing is a natural process but normally we are unaware nor in control of it, incorrect irregular breathing often reflects disturbances in the body and mind, if you relax the body stop worrying and become aware of the breath for a minute or so the breathing rate will drop which will improve your physical and mental wellbeing. With conscious breathing we can free the mind from emotional tension and correct breathing habits. The moment you start to breathe consciously the frontal brain registers the breath allowing control of the different hemispheres of the brain. The following technique can be used to develop increased awareness of the breathing process.

Previous episodes

  • 8 - Conscious Breathing  
    Thu, 30 Apr 2020
  • 7 - Sun Rising Meditation  
    Mon, 20 Apr 2020
  • 6 - Candle Meditation  
    Wed, 08 Apr 2020
  • 5 - Yoga Nidra 
    Fri, 03 Apr 2020
  • 4 - Breathing Meditation  
    Wed, 01 Apr 2020
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