Gen AI

Gen AI

Evolved Reasoning and Absolutely AI

An accessible and friendly podcast about the applications of Generative AI across the arts, media, business and financial services. We make the topic of accessible AI interesting, engaging and accessible no matter where you are on the journey, and no matter which industry you're from. Hosted by Dr Michael Kollo from Evolved Reasoning and Jamie van Leeuwen from Absolutely AI.

Categories: Technology

Listen to the last episode:

We talk to technology guru, and all around excellent thinker, Jeff Funk, about Generative AI: from hype to the reality of this technology. What is it likely to be good at, or even better at as it grows in influence and capability. 

Previous episodes

  • 6 - Generative AI - The Hype and the Reality with Jeff Funk 
    Wed, 28 Jun 2023
  • 5 - Generative AI and Marketing: On the Front Lines with David Morgan 
    Mon, 19 Jun 2023
  • 4 - Adobe's Vision for a Creative Gen AI future 
    Mon, 12 Jun 2023
  • 3 - AI's affect on journalism, war and photography 
    Mon, 22 May 2023
  • 2 - AI art, copyright and collaborations 
    Mon, 08 May 2023
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