Daniel Lucas

"Comedy 101" is a laugh-out-loud podcast that's perfect for comedy lovers and those eager to learn about the art form. Each week, your jovial hosts, break down the intricacies of creating humor, inviting listeners into their world of stand-up, improvisation, comedic writing, and beyond.

Categories: Arts

Listen to the last episode:

Larry was your average guy, just a bit more clumsy and way more gullible than most. One fateful Saturday morning, Larry woke up with a grocery list from his wife, Sarah, that read like a treasure map: "Eggs, milk, bread, bananas, and...yogurt."

Previous episodes

  • 22 - The Misadventures of Larry and the Supermarket Saga 
    Wed, 03 Jul 2024
  • 21 - BSL Learning Materials. 
    Sun, 30 Jun 2024
  • 20 - Food 101 Foundation 
    Thu, 20 Jun 2024
  • 19 - Book 101 Review Foundation 
    Fri, 14 Jun 2024
  • 18 - The Great Coffee Shop Cape 
    Sun, 02 Jun 2024
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